Our experiences teach us a lot... and more often than not make us apprehensive of what is to be and what could be...
We all dream of perfection in the aspect of life that matters the most for us... some achieve it by the virtue of make-belief and some by dreaming on for perfection...
The later at some point in their lives realize that perfection is a figment of imagination... but despite realizing this the fools amongst them choose to dream on... rather than come face to face with reality and grab the best opportunity in front of them... and make it paradise...
Many a times when they do try they believe the realities in their life will accept them as they are and they take the path of honesty compared to make-belief...believing that truth should be the basis of everything in life.... and that if they are accepted with their bads the goods shall be more than welcome...
And maybe this is the assumption that fails them as invariably somehow more often than not they end up cocooning themselves into the dream world all over again... its not that they are particularly happy in this world...yet they just choose to dream on......
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