Thursday, December 6, 2012

A Thousand Words...

The sound that captures a moment over the time continuum... 
A moment we wish to re-live and re-visit again and again. What is it that gives a snappily snapped photograph the power the intimacy that it has? After all what is it but a piece of paper or a set of colourful pixels juxtaposed together... 

The sound that makes it possible for any and everyone... to travel across time to experience those emotions to feel connected to that day that time... and the rich, the genius, the beautiful and supposedly the not so fortunate lesser mortals all stand equalised at once...

The sound that acts as a tag into the infinite memory palace and makes us access the sights, sounds, smells and feelings... Our ever so alive memory access system at an arms length...

The sound that gives us an opportunity to project our feelings, live them and satisfy ourselves... 

The sound that derives its meaning from the most powerful being in the world... The ordinary human...

P.S. Probably a picture is worth a thousand words not because if the sheer details it can show us but because of the mixed bags of feelings, emotions, memories it brings to the surface...
The thousand words so same and yet so different for each and everyone of us...

What I see is most probably not what you see...

Monday, July 9, 2012

This is going to hurt just a little bit - Ogden Nash

One thing I like less than most things is sitting in a dentist chair with my mouth wide open.
And that I will never have to do it again is a hope that I am against hope hopen.

Because some tortures are physical and some are mental,
But the one that is both is dental.
It is hard to be self-possessed
With your jaw digging into your chest.

So hard to retain your calm
When your fingernails are making serious alterations in your life line or love line or some other important line in your palm;

So hard to give your usual effect of cheery benignity
When you know your position is one of the two or three in life most lacking in dignity.

And your mouth is like a section of road that is being worked on.
And it is all cluttered up with stone crushers and concrete mixers and drills and steam rollers and there isn’t a nerve in your head that you aren’t being irked on.

Oh, some people are unfortunate enough to be strung up by thumbs.

And others have things done to their gums,
And your teeth are supposed to be being polished,
But you have reason to believe they are being demolished.

And the circumstance that adds most to your terror
Is that it’s all done with a mirror,
Because the dentist may be a bear, or as the Romans used to say, only they were referring to a feminine bear when they said it, an ursa,

But all the same how can you be sure when he takes his crowbar in one hand and mirror in the other he won’t get mixed up, the way you do when you try to tie a bow tie with the aid of a mirror, and forget that left is right and vice versa?

And then at last he says That will be all; but it isn’t because he then coats your mouth from cellar to roof
With something that I suspect is generally used to put a shine on a horse’s hoof.

And you totter to your feet and think. Well it’s all over now and afterall it was only this once.
And he says come back in three monce.

And this, O Fate, is I think the most vicious circle that thou ever sentest,
That Man has to go continually to the dentist to keep his teeth in good condition
when the chief reason he wants his teeth in good condition
is so that he won’t have to go to the dentist.

P.S. One of the school-time poems I remember quite frequently

Thursday, July 5, 2012

What will be...

As I talked to the skies that night...
Appeared an angel to talk and gave me a notebook as blank as it can be...
Looking at my confused face she smiled and told me pour in all my wishes and rewrite my life...

With all my stock of wishes dreams and hopes, I started to rewrite the story of my life...
Choosing every word with all the caution and placing with...oh! so much care...
With all possibilities, probabilities, scenarios twirling in my head...

When I finished it... It was perfecter than any fairy-tale... Lovelier than any dream...
Giving it back to her, with pride in my eyes, I asked if she had ever seen anything like that...
She with her serene smile just asked me to read it out...

As I flipped through the pages I realized it was just an airbrushed version of where I had been...
And where I had been could never tell me... where or how I will be...
With each flip of a page I saw the limitations of my imagination and greatness of the grand plan...

The plan no one knows, the plan that intrigues us all...The plan that changes as we change...
We might wish to change our pasts in a bid to bargain for a better future...
But, my past made me 'What I Am'... And for a better future, 'What I Am' has to ensure a better 'What Will Be'

Friday, March 23, 2012

Through the hole in the wall...

Through the hole in the wall of my world I saw...
I saw the colors galore...
I peeped and a wonderland stared back at me...
I peeped and I saw a beauty of seven rainbows all together...

I saw promises, I saw hope and I saw my life ahead...
I saw a way of being more than what I was being...
Much more like the stuff dreams are made of...
Much unlike the 'another brick' in the wall...

With a spring in my step, dreams in my eyes
oozing determination I proceed to move beyond the walls of my world...
Into the transition of a making dream into reality...
Into all I can do to be what I am meant to be...