Feeling as if the movie of my life started playing before me to delve...
Think through things without meaning to...Seeing it all bit by bit and yet all at once...
Maybe it was a chance awarded by fate for... an objective perusal ... a chance to find the pattern in the madness... or maybe just a desperate search for balance...
It was all in my eye... all in the rainbow of shades i saw

Ebony of the murkiness and gloominess that engulfs me once in a while...
Red of the anger that grips me out of the blue...Anger at myself for the hopeless hopes..weak moments and teary eyes...
Amber of jealousy oh so ill-directed and without a source... But still a part of me who shines on despite locking it under layers of restrain...
Brown of the chocolate always dark and yet so comforting...
Grey like the clouds of rain that bring with them the breeze to dispel murkiness and the silver linings....
Purple of the trust so often misplaced but with a shine of the few irreplaceable jewels in my life...each as rare as a snowflake...
Green of the pastures and life around me... giving me the strength and the faith in the goodness despite the deceit...smiles despite the tears...
Blue of the raindrops letting the dirt be washed and replaced by a fresh hope reflecting the new morning sky...
As I blinked... I wrapped an eyelash around the different shades of myself... accepting them or maybe just accepting myself... As I am... How I am... How I look at things...
As I blinked... I wrapped an eyelash around the world as I see it...
loved every bit of it.. :)
Its wonderful... Got to know the story behind this....:-<3
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