Sunday, October 21, 2007

The color of politics....

Most of the political seats today are occupied by not-so-learned... mass leaders, for whom having a criminal record or fear of having one is a minimum implicit requirement... despite being aware of this truth ... when asked ... the elite choses to intellectualize the whole situation by saying they would never choose to be in such dirt... its not their cup of tea to play politics... they are beyond this pettiness...


Chaploosi for a promotion
Sifarish for that commission
Rishwat for a rightful admission
Gapla and all the submission...
Are all the traits of the elite...

People are so adept in this game that only in elite world do we see,

Concept of time-pass relationships,
Return on investment in friendships,
Fake and Untrue associations,
Display with no substance...

It is in this world that

Pretension rules above everything... reality takes a back seat
Compliments are order of the day ... with curses spoken under the breath
Truth should not be spoken... even to friends
People should be made happy... at the cost of loved ones

And despite being neck deep we claim we are beyond politics...
Maybe we forgot the meaning of simple words like "POLITICS....."
Or I guess somewhere we elitists learned so much that we forgot how to be human...

1 comment:

TheQuark said...

I beg to differ. You are playing on the stereotype of innocent village vs the cunning materialist urban kind of ranting which is a sweeping generalization.

The latter part of your arguments are quite right about alienation, artificial laughters and ephemeral relation but it would gross injustice to assign these to the so called 'elite'

Please expound your views on Politics.