Sunday, October 21, 2007

The color of politics....

Most of the political seats today are occupied by not-so-learned... mass leaders, for whom having a criminal record or fear of having one is a minimum implicit requirement... despite being aware of this truth ... when asked ... the elite choses to intellectualize the whole situation by saying they would never choose to be in such dirt... its not their cup of tea to play politics... they are beyond this pettiness...


Chaploosi for a promotion
Sifarish for that commission
Rishwat for a rightful admission
Gapla and all the submission...
Are all the traits of the elite...

People are so adept in this game that only in elite world do we see,

Concept of time-pass relationships,
Return on investment in friendships,
Fake and Untrue associations,
Display with no substance...

It is in this world that

Pretension rules above everything... reality takes a back seat
Compliments are order of the day ... with curses spoken under the breath
Truth should not be spoken... even to friends
People should be made happy... at the cost of loved ones

And despite being neck deep we claim we are beyond politics...
Maybe we forgot the meaning of simple words like "POLITICS....."
Or I guess somewhere we elitists learned so much that we forgot how to be human...

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


There are many differences among people ranging from things as trivial as their favorite color, their choice of food, their active times to things like their nature, the way to look at life and above all the way they think...

Some people brood over things think them again and again maybe to internalize the decisions they have taken or engrave the mistakes made or to make appreciable things their traits... they tend to be occupied, pre-occupied and post-occupied by the events that led to their state of mind... they sleep thinking of the same thing.. dream about it and surprisingly or maybe not, get up with the same issues on mind... I guess their concentration, persistence to find the solution .. the correct solution.. the perfect one ... arrived at after numerous modifications .. is something to be admired and maybe looked at with awe... And frankly speaking I won't be surprised if they look at their such decision with wonder and veneration... After all it is a creation of such a long process...

But... Well as always sometimes I wonder doesn't this wonderfully long process which no doubt leads to admirable results take a toll on the thinker?
What about people who actually faced with similar problems choose to think about it for sometime with utmost concentration figure out a set of solutions to be applied depending on situations... and well progress with their lives... What about the people who despite being confronted by some major decision ... move-on do other things and well maybe when they have time think about 'the problem'...

I agree the latter kind of people might not come up with fool-proof solutions but sometimes, somehow .. maybe because I am biased ... I think they end up seeing much more things around them, experiencing them..and somewhere these flexible nature of solutions actually mirrors the very nature of life which changes its course without warning.. I just see the latter kind somehow not being vexed at the failure of their solution but willing to move on reconsider decisions and maybe adapt a alternate methodology to deal with things...

I don't know whether these processes or philosophies of life are antitheses of each other or whether they are like two faces of a coin.. which can peacefully co-exist but whatever they maybe they are realities ...

But of they are antithesis I can't help wondering what the synthesis would be like.......

Monday, October 1, 2007

I have seen....

Strange are the ways of life...
People think they can take anything for granted just like that...
People plan so much and do some stuff but... alas they never meet the other party's expectations

I have seen randomness of explanations...
The misinterpretations of other party's intentions
I have seen well chosen gifts become trivial...
Treated as the pay-back of friendship
I have seen 'friends' not talking to each other
As the time becomes invaluable and so precious...
I have seen best-friends not talk to each other...
And then get bored in their loneliness
But I see the same people do those things again...
And marvel at the persistence of the pursuer and
at times.. detest the high-handedness of the pursued