That Little baby bird was born with hues of the rainbow in her...
The colors were the seven but they had a shade never seen before...
Some loved her and many more hated her...
And then came the birdness-society which decided how much of a bird was she... Could she really be a bird?!
She said her parents are a bird but they said that's not enough...
They struck the gavel and announced, "There will have to be changes!!!"
Then they came for her indigo... The different types of friendships she had and offered her competition...
The next was the green of her extroverted personality and they offered her envy instead...
Then they came for the orange the anger with which she felt strongly for herself and other and offered her indifference...
Then was the turn of the yellow of her laughter they said it was too loud and offered her the proper polite smile instead...
She was left with the blues of her tears and then they said she cried too much and offered her numbness instead...
Finally they came for the violet the essence of her existence... Something that made her what she was despite everything else gone and offered her the fitted-in personality instead...
She accepted none of the muddy colors she was offered but gave away all that was her...
All her colors dripped off her and all that was left was the grey... One drab shade of grey...
And on that overcast day... A strong gust of wind blew away that grey bunch of feathers into oblivion...
Now no one knows what happened to her or is she still around... And they pat themselves on the back and say she must have fitted in really well...
(Image courtesy: